The Department of Fine Art and Professional training – The history of the department

The Department of Fine Art and Professional training

The history of the department
Educational and scientific activities of the department
Material technical base
Our graduates and employment

The history of the department

The Department of Fine Art and Professional training

The Department of “Art Work and Design” was established in June 2019. It contains five specialties 6B02102-Design, 6B01405, 7M01405-visual art, art work, graphics and design, 6b07207-technology and design of light industry products.

At the present stage at the department:

1 professor, 7 candidates of sciences, 9 senior teachers-masters, 8 teachers-masters, 6 masters of training, 3 laboratory assistants. The teaching staff of the department is fruitfully working on the training of teaching staff of a high level of professional skill that meets modern requirements. Candidate of Cultural Sciences, Professor M. Zh. Zhaksygarina., Ph.D., associate professors: M. M. Shashtygarin., M. A. Suteeva., G. K. Sibagatova., B. M. Momenov., Sagimbayev A. A., Kurgambekov M. S., senior teachers-masters: Koblanov K. R., Esengulov Zh. K., N.X. Tnalina., Yu. N. Kuznetsova., Kudasova G. Zh., Algartova G. M., Kemalova G. B., A. A. Kydyrov., A. K. Kangeldin., teachers-masters: Zhubaev N. K., Kenzhegalieva S. K., M. A. Suteeva., S. K. Tanirbergenova., Zhanpeisova A. K., Kausheva R. Zh., Bokaeva G. B., M. N. Aimagambetov., A. N. Zhensikbayeva., Aimagambetova A. B., Zh. M. Moldaniyazov., A.M. Abdulla., Z. B. Taimanova., R. A. Tileuzhanova., A. A. Aldiyarova., Tlesova G. S. masters of training and laboratory assistants: Karasaev T. E., G. B. Kuanov., works.

Each specialty in the department has its own history of origin. Thus, the specialty 5B012000-vocational training was originally one of the first departments of the Aktobe Pedagogical Institute in 1987.

Former departments of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, training pedagogical specialists. Its formation and development covers a long period: from the opening of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics and the mass provision of pedagogical specialties of the Institute to the transition to the Department of “General technical disciplines and labor”, “vocational training”.

One of the teachers who taught the students was Ph.D., Associate Professor Musalimov T. K., senior lecturer Kurakbayev H. B. In 1991-1998, this department continued its work as part of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology of Aktobe State University named after K. Zhubanov. The department was headed by scientists of pedagogical sciences in different years, the heads of the department were Ph.D., Associate Professor Baymanov E. B., senior teachers Dartaev M. Sh., Kurakbaev H. B., Ph.D. Zhaumitov B. Zh., Ph.D., Professor Baymaganbetov O. B. Also, since 2004, the Department of Labor Technology has been working as part of the Aktobe State Pedagogical Institute, the head of the department is PhD, Associate professor Sibagatova G. K., PhD, senior lecturer Tanirbergenova S. K., PhD, Associate Professor M. M. Shashtygarina. Graduate of Urazbaeva Lazzat Amanzholovna has been working as the head of the Department of Education of the Aktobe region since 2017.

Musalimov T. K., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, specialty 5B010700-“Fine art and drawing”. 1991-2004 Head of the department” Fine arts and drawing”, founder of the specialty. 2004-2005 Dean of the Professional and Creative Faculty.

Currently, he is a professor at the Department of Design and Engineering Graphics of the L. Gumilyov Eurasian University in Astana. In 2004, the head of the department of the specialty “Fine Arts and Drawing” was Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Samuratova T. K. In April 2004 (after the separation of the university), the Department of Design was opened at the technical Faculty of Aktobe State University named after K. Zhubanov. The initiator of the opening of the department and the first head of the department was Sagimbayev Adilgali Abdigalievich with a degree in Design (050421.01-architectural design, 050421.02-graphic design). He headed the department from 2004 to 2010. From 2010 to 2018, the Department of “Design” was headed by Ph.D., associate Professor, member of the Union of Designers of Kazakhstan Momenov Boranbai Myrzagalievich. Currently, the department is supervised by Ph.D. Associate Professor M. S. Kurgambekov.

During the work of the department, she has trained specialists of a high professional level in education and other spheres of society, today our graduates work in various institutions of the country. Thanks to the nominal achievements of the department in the development of educational programs and active participation in the academic policy of the university, the following conclusions can be drawn today: in the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel and highly qualified specialists in demand in the labor market. The main tasks of pedagogical education at the department are carried out in the following areas:

  • preparation of documents of the training system at a high level necessary to ensure measures to improve the quality of education and compliance of students’ education with state requirements;
  • providing the necessary textbooks in the disciplines, updating educational and methodological, visual aids, if possible;
  • consider measures to improve the level of knowledge of students and the quality of classes, take concrete measures to improve the level of educational, methodological and research work;
  • monitoring and requiring students to complete their term papers and theses efficiently, within the specified time frame;
  • Activation of the elements of the dual training system based on the professional practice of students on the basis of the branches of the department;
  • To enable students to introduce novelty on the basis of the updated program with the improvement of special subject knowledge, so that interdisciplinary ties are closer;
  • Communication with the countries of the far and near abroad under the academic mobility program (inviting foreign scientists, visiting teaching staff abroad, teaching students in the amount of one semester in other domestic and foreign universities, ensuring the invitation of foreign students).
  • Provide a basis for working on several trajectories that are in demand in the labor market, taking into account the specifics of the profession associated with a radical change in the field of education.

On October 25-26, 2018, the II International Scientific and Practical online Conference “Design: Technologies and Design methods” was held. Orenburg State University was in direct contact. Articles from Russia, Bashkortostan, Belarus, Karakalpakstan, and Tatarstan were published at the conference. Universities from different cities of Kazakhstan took part.

In 2017, the specialty 5B042100 – “Design” passed specialized accreditation for a period of 5 years.

5B010700 – Fine art and Drawing among universities of participants in the rating of the IAAR took the 1st  place in the specialty of 2018 bachelor.

Staff of the Department:

Kurgambekov Mergembay Seiplmalikovich – Head of the Department of Fine Art and Professional training – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of K.Zhubanov ARSU.

Shashtygarin Musa Mustafiyevich – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,  Associate Professor of K.Zhubanov ARSU.

Suteeva Maira Akbotakyzy –  Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,  Associate Professor.

Umbetova Akbota Zeineshovna – senior teacher.

Koblanov Konysbek Raiysovich – senior teacher, Member of the Eurasian Union of Designers.

Yesengulov Zhanibek Kutokozhiyevich – senior teacher, Member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kangeldin Aibolat Kabilbekovich – teacher, Member of the Eurasian Union of Designers.

Kudasova Gulmira Zhenisovna – senior teacher.

Zhubayev Nazar Kantarbayevich – teacher.

Algartova Gulzhan Makatkyzy– Master of Pedagogical Sciences, senior teacher.

Kemalova Gulzhanat Baltabekovna – Master of Pedagogical Sciences, teacher.

Zhensikbayeva Assylzat Nurlybekkyzy– Master of Arts, teacher.


The history of the department
Educational and scientific activities of the department
Material technical base
Our graduates and employment