Department of Theory and methodology of physical education – The history of the department

Department of Theory and methodology of physical education

The history of the department
Educational and scientific activities of the department
Material technical base
Our graduates and employment

The history of the department

In 1974, on the basis of Aktobe Pedagogical Institute, the department of “Physical Education” was created and   the first part of applicants for the specialty “Physical Culture and Sport” including the current teachers of the University Romanyuk B.G., Baiturin M.A., Nukushev J.K was formed. In 1978, by the decision of the Academic Council of the Pedagogical Institute the “Physical Education” faculty was established. The founder and first dean from 1974 to 1979 was the senior teacher of the Institute Peregudov Veniamin Nikonorovich.

Educational (pedagogical) objectives are conducting scientifically-based process of physical education of preschool, secondary educational institutions and various organizations that use physical culture and mass sports;

Organizational management objectives are organization and conduct of pedagogical activity in physical culture and sports in the educational structures of the spheres of education;

Organizational-technological objectives are development and introduction in the educational process of new technologies of training in physical culture;

Objects of professional activity are state, public, private educational institutions (colleges, gymnasiums, schools), children’s sports schools and clubs; firms, state institutions, bodies of management of physical culture and sports activity; research institutions of physical culture, sports profile; medical and biological, developing problems of physical and mental health.


Teaching staff

Out of 21 teachers, 4 people have academic degrees and titles, which is 19%.

Доктор педагогических наук — Ботагариев Т.А.

Ассоциированный профессор—Кубиева С.С.

Кандидат педагогических наук- Шоканов Р.А.

Доктор PhD — Габдуллин А.Б.

Старший преподаватель, магистр — Мамытов Б.К.

старший преподаватель, магистр — Жиембаев А.Ш.

Старший преподаватель, магистр —Жумабаева А.Ж.

Старший преподаватель –Зейбель В.И.

Старший преподаватель –Гурбан С.С.

Преподаватель, магистр — Өтегенов Н.О.

Преподаватель, магистр —Бекмагамбетов О.А.

Преподаватель, магистр — Кайдаров А.Н.

Преподаватель, магистр —Хакимова З.А.

Преподаватель, магистр Кайназаров Н.Д.

Преподаватель, магистр —Алибеков А.А.

Преподаватель, магистр —Жеткерген А.А.

Преподаватель – Куншашов А.М.


The history of the department
Educational and scientific activities of the department
Material technical base
Our graduates and employment