History of the Faculty

History of the Faculty

In 1992 in Aktobe state University.Zhubanov opened the faculty for the training of engineering and pedagogical personnel. From 1992 to 2003 the faculty trained teachers in the following specialties:

In those years the faculty was headed by candidate of Sciences, associate professors Desla S. A., Bthenum J. D., Usov V. A.

In 2004, in Aktobe state pedagogical Institute as a structural unit, implementing programs of higher professional education, was openedprofessional and creative faculty from 2004 to 2013, the faculty was headed by candidates of Sciences, associate professors: Musalimov T. K., Abenov D. H., Prosyankin V. V. in 2017, professional and creative faculty of Aktobe regional state University.K. Zhubanova was headed by candidate of philological Sciences, associate Professor Mukhtarov S. S. currently, the faculty has 6 specialties:

During the work the faculty has trained specialists of high professional level in various fields of education and society, today’s graduates successfully work in various institutions of the country.

The formation of the faculty took place along with the development of psychological and pedagogical thought of Kazakhstan, pedagogical culture and General education.  The faculty held classes the following teachers: candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor Baimanov E. B., Musalimov T. K., senior lecturer of Darmaev M. S., Kurakbayev, H. B., candidate of physico-mathematical Sciences of Jamitov B. Zh., candidate of fiziko-mathematical Sciences, Professor O. Baymagambetov B., candidate of pedagogical Sciences botagariev T. A.,candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor V. A. Usov, PhD Leader, B. W., associate Professor Prosyankin V. V., associate Professor Samuratova T. K., candidate of pedagogical Sciences Rastegary M. M., senior teachers of Kayrakbaev T. K., K. R. Kaplanov, the candidate of pedagogical Sciences of Turgambekov M. S., candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor Sibagatova G. K., candidate of pedagogical Sciences Suteev M. A., M. Mankelow, Telibekov S., candidate of pedagogical Sciences Bekniyazov B. B., candidate of pedagogical Sciences Mokeeva N. E and others.

For professional and creative faculty of the Department of theoretical foundations of physical education prepared over 50 masters of sports of the USSR and 41 master of sports. Among them, the master of sports on Sambo, 3-time world champion, associate Professor of Sakharov A., honored master of sports of RK on Boxing, the champion of Asia and the world, participant of the Olympic games Jafarov, the master of sports of the international class, the judge Sambo-class of Kulmaganbetova A., master of sports of RK on Sambo Raev M., world champion and Asia in athletics, winner of the medal “For merits in physical culture and sports” Baturin M. A., a multiple winner on the presidential all-around Leader W. E., world champion Dyachenko T., world champion and European Sambo Krinov E., the champion of Kazakhstan inswimming Kamzin A. And other.

The teaching staff of the faculty is actively involved in various international, national, regional, regional, city conferences, competitions, workshops, achieving significant success. Corresponding member of the Kazakh Academy. You.Altynsarin, winner of the medal “for merits in the development of science of Kazakhstan”, “for merits in the development of physical culture and sports of Kazakhstan”, T. A. Botagariev, honored worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.You.Altynsarin, holder of two badges “Honorary worker of education RK” Prosyankin V. V., candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor Sumbulova S. T., holder of the medal.You.Altynsarin Burmatikov T. V., honored worker of Kazakhstan Bayganin N. B, honored workers of RK Aytimov M., Mambetova G. W, Mankelow M., Telibekov S., winner of state grant “Best University teacher” Bekniyazov B. B., the winner of various international competitions Amanbaev G., honored worker of RK Kaluova P., member of the Union of artists of Kazakhstan Kayrakbaev T. T., member of Union of designers of Eurasia Kaplanov K. R., winner of the award “the Golden boat” by J. K. Esengulov actively carry out scientific, pedagogical and creative work.

Since 2005, in order to develop physical culture and sports at the faculty held the 4th international scientific-practical conference, international competition of arts and crafts, international scientific-practical online conference, international seminar “Cooperation of Kazakh and Chinese culture: traditions and innovations”.  In particular, an international conference “Kazakh and Chinese culture, traditions and innovations”was organized on the basis of the agreement on international cooperation between Xinjiang, Hanban financial and economic universities and Aktobe state pedagogical Institute. The teaching staff has a high scientific potential, responsibility, constantly improves their skills.  The educational process is constantly introduced scientific works aimed at improving the level of teaching and research work.

In the 2017-2018 academic year, the faculty opened a magistracy in the specialty 6M012000-Vocational training, magistracy and College in the specialty 6M010800 – physical culture and sports.

In the 2017-2018 academic year, according to the results of the NAAR among the universities of the Republic specialty 5B010700-Fine arts and drawing took 1st place, specialty 5B010800 – physical culture and sport – 4th place.

From 2017-2018 academic year at the faculty together with the University of Economics of Bydgoszcz (Poland) the program of double-degree education is implemented. According to the program of international academic mobility, the faculty cooperates with universities in Europe, Russia, China, South Korea, Turkey. The program of multilingualism at the faculty taught subjects in English.

Faculty specialties passed 100% accredited degrees is 51%.