Department of music and choreography – Educational and scientific activities of the department

Department of music and choreography

The history of the department
Educational and scientific activities of the department
Material technical base
Our graduates and employmentt

Educational and scientific activities of the department

Senior lecturer of the Department Raimbergenov A. I. on January 26, 2016 held a seminar on the topic: “the peculiarity of economic life in the Aktobe region of the Republic of Kazakhstan 1920-1960″at the dissertation Council of the Altai State University “D212.005.09” defended his PhD thesis in the specialty 17.00.04 – “artificial and decorative arts and architecture ” and received the title of Doctor of Philosophy PhD.

Active handouts of the department for independent work of students in all disciplines are fully provided. Every year teachers of the department receive certificates of international standard. In addition, teachers of the department annually improve their qualifications at the university and receive certificates. Teachers take part in methodological seminars held by the university and the faculty, successfully defend reports and projects, exchange experience. Teachers of the department, engaged in research work, publish their scientific articles, theses, reports in collections of scientific papers and international, republican conferences. The university has created conditions for participation in online seminars in a foreign language. PhD, Associate Professor Mukeeva N.E. took advanced training courses in English in Almaty at SWISS American ACADEMY SA, Rosetta stone; teachers Baishukurova A. Zh., Alieva A. K., Mukhtarova S. K., Kaldybayeva A. S., Tauekel S. A.

The teaching staff of the Department Ph.D., Associate Professor Mukeeva N.E. M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan State University; Associate Professor, PhD Raimbergenov A. I. exchanged experience with the National Academic Program at the Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute. Also, students of the specialty 6B01401-music education under the international academic mobility program cooperate with the Kazakh University, the Ili Pedagogical Institute and the Republic of Turkey (education brought Zh.Kozhekbayev, A.Alibaykyzy, A.Esbolaeva, G.Nauanova, Zh.Uzakbayeva).

The accreditation of the educational programs of the specialties took place on December 22, 2017.

6B01401- OP “Musical education”

Form of study, term:

Full-time-4 years

3 years after secondary special education; 2 years after higher education

Degree: 6B01401-Bachelor of Education in Music Education

  • Objects of professional activity.
  • Objects of professional activity of graduates:
  • general education schools;
  • lyceums;
  • gymnasiums.

The subjects of professional activity are music lessons, extracurricular musical and educational, organizational and propaganda work in secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums.

Types of professional activity.

  • Bachelors in OP 6B01401 – “Music education” can perform the following types of professional activities:
  • organizational and managerial: organization of musical, cultural and educational activities with children and youth in educational organizations of various types;
  •  production and technological: performing the functions of a class teacher, organizer, educator, propagandist in musical work with students;
  •  settlement and design: implementation of immediate and long-term plans for the organization of extracurricular musical and artistic work with students, taking into account the socio-political, economic and cultural life of the republic;
  •  experimental research: organization of their work on a scientific basis using modern information technologies, conducting a pedagogical experiment based on the age and individual typological characteristics of students;
  •  educational (pedagogical): conducting music lessons and extracurricular music classes, conducting pedagogical control over the musical development of students.

Functions of professional activity:

  • education;
  • education;
  • educational.

The field of professional activity in the specialty

6B02101 – OP «Choreography»

Bachelor of Arts in OP 6B02101-Choreography carries out his professional activities in the field of choreography and theatrical art, culture, education, sports.

Objects of professional activity of a bachelor in OP 6B02101 – “Choreography”:

  • choreographic colleges, schools;
  • theaters;
  • cultural institutions (creative centers, palaces and houses of culture, studios, clubs, schools, children’s institutions, etc.).

Disciplines of bachelor’s professional activity in OP 6B02101 – “Choreography”:

  • pedagogical activity of choreographers in the system of continuous and additional education;
  • organization and management of a creative team.

Types of professional activity:

  • creativity;
  • organizational and creative;
  • educational (pedagogical);
  • educational and educational;
  • cultural and educational.

Functions of professional activity:

  • educational (pedagogical);
  • scientific research;
  • cultural and educational;
  • organizational and managerial.

The field of professional activity in the specialty

6B11102 – OP «Cultural and leisure work»

6B11102 – Cultural and leisure work carries out its professional activity on OP in the field of service.

Objects of professional activity of a bachelor in OP 6B11102 – «Cultural and leisure work»:

  • organization of cultural and leisure activities;
  • club institutions, houses of culture, Houses of folk art;
  • creative centers;
  • extracurricular educational organizations;
  • cultural and educational organizations;
  • cultural and leisure institutions

Disciplines of bachelor’s professional activity in OP 6B11102 – «Cultural and leisure work»:

  • cultural and leisure activities in the system of continuing and additional education;
  • organization and management of a creative team.

Types of professional activity:

  • creative;
  • organizational and creative;
  • educational and educational;
  • cultural and educational.

Functions of professional activity:

  • provision of services (organizational);
  • scientific research;
  • cultural and educational;
  • organizational and managerial.

Practice bases:

  • Secondary school No. 56 of Aktobe city
  • Secondary school-lyceum No. 23 of Aktobe city
  • Secondary school No. 38 of Aktobe city
  • Aktobe Regional Philharmonic named after G. Zhubanova
  • House of Culture “Geologist”
  • Center of children’s and youth creativity
  • Regional House of Folk Art.


The history of the department
Educational and scientific activities of the department
Material technical base
Our graduates and employment