Success of the faculty

Success of the faculty

All specialties of the faculty passed specialized accreditation of the Independent agency for accreditation and rating of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Academic Staff of the faculty consists of: 1 Doctor of Sciences, 19 Candidates of Sciences, 1 PhD doctor, 10 Masters, some of them have awards and titles: 2 – “Honorary Worker of Education of the RK”, 3- “For merits of the development of RK science”, 2- “Honored Worker of the RK”, “Honored Worker of Culture of the RK”, 3- “Honored Worker of the RK”, 2 “Honored Worker of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, 2-Owners of I.Altynsarin’s breastplate, 1- “For merits in the development of Physical culture and sport of the RK”, 1 award

“Altyn kayyқ”, one of the best in the sphere of Culture of RK, 4 members of the Union of Designers of the RK, 5 – members of the Union of Artists of the RK, 2 – members of the Eurasian Union design, 1owner of  “Til janashyry” breastplate and 1 -“The best teacher of the university RK”

Currently, faculty teachers are trained: Magistracy – 5, Postgraduate study (RF) – 2, Doctoral studies – 2.

There are 4 departments at the faculty:

  1. Department of fine arts and vocational training;
  2. Department of physical culture and sports;
  3. Department of design;
  4. Department of music and choreography.

Material and technical base

The faculty is equipped with a very good material and technical base. There are 50 line and practical audiences, 3 computer audiences, N.Tapalov choreographic hall, musical room named after R.Zhamanov, special study room named after D.Berkimbayev, special training rooms named after Tileu Aytuly and Kabak Aytuly, 3 workshops, 9 training workshops, a 3D modeling laboratory, 2 sports complexes, a swimming pool, a Student Palace and a Youth Palace.